Solar installation specialists servicing Western Cape & Gauteng

Solar Power Category: Commercial

Kayamandi High School

First Energy Solar Installers Cape Town are proud to have successfully completed the installation of a 50 kW grid-tied solar system at Kayamandi High School in the Western Cape. This state-of-the-art Glass on Glass solar panel system comprises 85 x 550 W solar panels connected to a 50 kW grid-tied inverter. The system is expected [...]

2025-01-16T13:31:26+02:00By |

Delft Primary School

First Energy Solar Installers Cape Town are proud to announce the successful installation of a 50 kW grid-tied solar system at Delft Primary School in the Western Cape. The advanced Glass on Glass solar panel system consists of 70 x 550 W solar panels, connected to a 50 kW grid-tied inverter. This system is expected [...]

2025-01-16T13:30:59+02:00By |

Bo Kaap

First Energy Solar Installers Cape Town are thrilled to announce the successful installation of a 30 kW grid-tied solar system in Bo Kaap, Western Cape. This state-of-the-art Glass on Glass solar panel system features 21 x 610 W solar panels, connected to a 30 kW grid-tied inverter. The system is expected to generate at least [...]

2025-01-16T11:50:02+02:00By |

Office Complex – 100kW Commercial Solar Solution

Congratulations to First Energy Solar Solutions on the successful completion of a 100 kW grid-tied solar installation at an Office Building in Century City, Western Cape! This achievement marks a significant step towards sustainable and environmentally friendly energy solutions for commercial spaces. The Glass on Glass solar panel system, consisting of 222 solar panels with [...]

2024-05-20T12:29:39+02:00By |

Business Park – 60kW Commercial Solar Solution

Congratulations to First Energy Solar Solutions on the successful completion of a 50 kW grid-tied solar installation at a commercial building in Capricorn Business Park in the Western Cape! This accomplishment is a significant step towards promoting sustainable energy practices within the business sector. The Glass on Glass solar panel system, consisting of 60 solar [...]

2024-05-20T12:29:59+02:00By |
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