Thermal Scanning
First Energy Solar Solutions
The Vodacom Century City fire highlights fire safety for PV systems. In light of this public incident, First Energy Solar Solutions have invested in a thermal drone.
Once our installations are done, we will run a thermal scan of the solar panels and solar panel wiring. This service is FREE, included as a value service for all new solar power installations.
We’ll also offer thermal scanning as a service on existing systems**. We look for heat variance in solar panels, which indicates dead cells or possible shading. We also look for hot spots in the cabling to identify poor connections. Poor connections are a fire risk. Once identified, we will work with you to design a remedy.
** Contact us for scanning service fee of existing installations, and to arrange an inspection.
Learn more about this cutting edge technology
LG Solar Panel Inspection using DJI Mavic 3 Enterprise Thermal Drone
Mavic 3 Thermal solar panel and roof